"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)

Fundraiser at Ocker Brethren Church

Last Sunday (March 30th), Jason and I went to John's church in Westphalia, Ocker Brethren Church, for Sunday service and a fundraiser for Prosthetic Promises. Their pastor was out of town so John gave the message, which was awesome to hear him preach! After service, they had a hamburger lunch fundraiser for Prosthetic Promises. Over $3,000 was raised!!...at a hamburger lunch at a small little country church. The members of Ocker Brethren Church are SO generous and supportive. Jason and I absolutely loved that we were able to go to church service and the fundraiser lunch. It worked out so nicely that we had planned to go see my parents last weekend in Clifton, so we were in the area and could attend. 

I want to share with you part of John's message that I found very impacting. (I'm summarizing here, John's version was much better.) He talked about how water is so precious in Africa, how some people have to walk long distances just to get water to carry back for use, and it's not always the cleanest water. In America, water is so plentiful. You turn on the faucet and clean water is there. We never question whether our water is safe to drink from bacteria and parasites. We take this for granted sometimes...actually a lot of times. John used an analogy about choosing clean water versus dirty water comparing clean water to godly things, thoughts and actions and dirty water to hang-ups, addictions and sinful things. If someone had access to clean water and a dirty pond for water, and they chose the dirty water it wouldn't make any sense. The same goes for our choices, thoughts and actions everyday. I can choose positive words and thoughts each day rather than negative...a godly life rather than a sinful life. It just makes sense to choose clean water. 

On a different note, our trip is getting so close! Just 10 days left and it's going to go by fast. We have been so busy between work for both of us, Jason's campaign, our volunteer commitments, and all the community events that go along with the campaigning that it seems like this year has flown by so far. BAM! It's April, and we basically have this week to wrap things up before leaving next Wednesday. On my end, I'm going to try my hardest to have all my patients taken care of and all the paperwork finished up before I leave, so this week will be super busy. I've also started what I call our "packing station" on the guest bed. :) 

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