Some instruction from Chris on socket the good ol' days. (I did my prosthetic residency with Chris.) I absolutely loved working with her again on this trip. I sure do miss seeing her and John everyday.
Hilda came for fitting of her teeth with John.
All 3 of us hard at work.
John was so awesome to grind and smooth the prosthetic sockets. The carbon dust makes you so itchy..that's why he's wearing the sleeved apron.
Cason dropped by to talk with John. I'm sure he had lots of fun questions and insight. :)
Haley getting an impression done for a tooth. She had a tooth with a wire, like a retainer, but John made her one without the wire.
Jason and Blu installing ceiling tiles.
Jason working on the outdoor lights. The bulbs that were in the lights were apparently too high wattage and caused some issues with wiring, so Jason changed all the bulbs and fixed a few lights that weren't working.
Later in the afternoon there was a birthday party at the dining hall for Ricky and Kelsey. I'm not sure where the tradition comes from, but the birthday person (or people in this case) get water poured on them after singing, presents and cake.
The birthday guy and gal.
The water pouring part. Kelsey had already ran away from her seat.
Wanted to include some scenery pictures. Enjoy :)
Beautiful view from the water tower. That's the road coming in from the gate to New Day.
This is a picture of a "sausage tree". That's the only name I heard it called while at New Day. The fruit of the tree really does look like sausage just hanging on a tree. I researched it once I got home, and it's called a Kigelia tree. We were warned not to just stand under the tree...a falling "sausage" would really hurt.
Wes told us this is a violet breasted roller bird. The colors are beautiful!
I took this sunset picture from the front porch of The Ark.
*Next post is Day 9: First fitting and more patients
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