"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)

Wednesday, May 20: Ready for fittings

By Wednesday, John had all of his fabrication of the custom eyes finished. He was able to help Chris and I with fabrication, which was awesome! John trimmed out the sockets, Chris smoothed them up and I finished up the sails and buckles. We then assembled all 6 of the prostheses for the Thursday fittings for the Macha group---Jimmy, Rafael, Mooya, Obote, Alnold and Osia. We had some of the other prostheses ready for the Choma patients but only a few and most of them still needed assembly.

Chris doing the itchy carbon smoothing. Bless her for doing this part of the fabrication.

John attaching sails and buckles. 

Attaching the buckles and sails with the little screws is tedious work. I was glad to have John's help with that. 

Messy work table.

Trimmed out sockets waiting for smoothing. (I think this is a neat picture--insert 'elements of art' lesson here...lines)

It's a miracle...she looked at the camera and smiled. She kept saying I was getting too many pictures of her and not any of me. I just love Chris' fun attitude and her infectious laugh!

Erin got to paint a bookshelf for the classrooms. She mixed her own paint to create an Aggie themed bookshelf. 

She had fun putting her unique touch on this bookshelf. 

John and Erin went to a bible study out in a village on Wednesday afternoon. Here's Blu and Erin before the study began.

 The wonderful Erin Brinkley. I loved that Erin was able to come on this trip with us and am thankful for the opportunity for us to get closer. (She's only been my cousin 3 1/2 yrs)

Great picture John took that shows how women carry all sorts of things on their heads. 

Ox carts are a common thing to see in rural Zambia. 

 At the end of Wednesday, we were all set for Thursday's fittings. There would be fittings for prosthetic legs and eyes. A busy day of patients ahead. 

*Next post: Thursday, May 21: Prosthetic fittings and future clinic location...

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