"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)

Wednesday, April 25: But wait, there's more...a few more new patients

Wednesday's mindset=get fabrication started. And we certainly did with pouring casts, modifying plaster models, organizing the work space for flow of fabrication, and even starting to gather components and supplies for specific patients. We accomplished a lot on the first day of fabrication! 

Ah, the messy part of filling casts.

Carolin doing some prosthetic feet organization. She and Amanda had the feet bins all sorted with labels by the end of the trip. So amazingly helpful!

Group effort on getting casts ready for pouring.

Protashow and Carolin pouring casts.

But wait, there's more....

We also got the joy of seeing more patients and being able to follow up with Cliness, the girl we were unable to fit last year. 

Cliness and her grandfather.

We saw Cliness last year and casted her for a prosthesis, though she had a wound on the bottom of her leg, and gave her supplies to clean and treat the wound. When she came back for fitting we realized how bad the wound was, so we decided to not fit her and advised her to see a doctor. Staci (in the pink shirt in the picture) has kept in contact with Cliness and her family, checking in on her since last April. The wound is healed this year, and we were able to fit her with the prosthesis we made from last year. We were so glad we were able to see Cliness and follow through in fitting her with a prosthesis! I'll also see her in September to check on her.

Peggy's mother brought her back to see Amanda on Wednesday for another therapy session. 

We also had another patient come for casting for an above knee prosthesis, his name is Patrick. And John had 2 more new patients for prosthetic eyes to evaluate on Wednesday. 

More fabrication work with starting to modify plaster models.

John at work in his area.

Protashow smoothing a plaster model.

Working away...and effectively getting the clinic more and more messy.

The "models ready for laminating" cart.

A beautiful sunset to finish our day!

*Next post: Thursday, April 26-Friday, April 27: Fabrication + more patients - electricity

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