Each trip has its own special things that happen, which I'm so excited to share with you in these posts. This trip we saw 38 prosthetic patients, 8 orthotic patients and 18 people for eyeglasses---all in just 12 working days. Our prayer is that all the people we were able to help saw the love of Christ through our work, our words and our actions.
Friday, September 7th, Team Prosthetic Promises left out from DFW airport for another trip to provide prosthetic services in the Mapanza, Zambia area. The team consisted of me, Katie Brinkley (prosthetist/orthotist), Suzanne O'Connor (prosthetist/orthotist) and Louise Mahnich (volunteer assisting the team).
L to R: Katie, Louise and Suzanne
Our flight path was from DFW to London to Johannesburg to Livingstone arriving on Sunday, Sept. 9th where we were picked up by our Zambian team member, Protashow, and then had a 3 hour bus ride to New Day Orphanage in Mapanza, Zambia where we stay for our trips and where the Prosthetic Promises clinic is located. We had 13 checked bags for our flights and thankfully they all made it to Livingstone. Check-in at DFW was actually a breeze and was the fastest check-in we've had yet with all our extra bags.
Suzanne getting a hug!
Louise greeting and hugging!
Me excited to see familiar faces and be back at New Day!
We got settled into our bunk room at the Ark and turned in early for some restful sleep after our 2 day travel before starting work right away on Monday morning.
*Next post: Monday, Sept. 10th: Macha area patients
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