"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)

Plans for 2018

Hello there...it's been a while. Though I haven't done a blog post since I finished our "2017 trip recap", we've still been busy with plans and coordinating for our upcoming 2018 trip. 

We have 4 team members going in April 2018, including John (ocularist), Chris (prosthetist), Suzanne (prosthetist/orthotist) and me (Katie) (prosthetist/orthotist). This will be Suzanne's 2nd trip, and since we've all been before it should make it easier with travel and the "what to expect" part. We are talking with a prosthetic technician from Germany, who is trying to coordinate her trip to Zambia to align with ours so that she can volunteer with us. We so hope this works out!

We have some really awesome board members for Prosthetic Promises! Two board members, Jordan and Hope Overturf, recently organized an online Indiegogo fundrasier to raise funds for our next trip. The fundraiser featured "rewards" for certain donor levels. All the rewards were from Africa. Over $2,000 was raised...all going towards our trip in April. 


Team member John Brinkley and his friend Greg will be making another trip to Kansas to load the shipping container with supplies that will head to Zambia early next year. We basically have to plan a year and a half in advance when packing things on the shipping container. The container that John and Greg loaded supplies onto in December 2016 just arrived at New Day Orphanage in late June of this year, which was after our 2017 trip so will be used for our 2018 trip. It gets a bit complicated in keeping track of what supplies are where. What we will need this coming April will need to be packed as luggage to check on flights rather than loading on the shipping container. Whew!

As we get closer to our upcoming trip, I'll be posting more updates. We are excited to have the team set and know when we will be going back to Zambia. We so appreciate your prayers and support as we look ahead to 2018!

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