"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)

Tuesday, Sept. 13- Macha patient fittings

First thing Tuesday morning, Protashow headed to the Macha radio station with the New Day bus to pick up patients. John, Suzanne and I went to the clinic to get ready for fittings. 

Legs ready.

Getting ready before patients arrive.

John's work area ready before patients.

Before Protashow came back from Macha with people for fitting, Blu drove up with Luxon, Morrice and Melvin. Morrice and Melvin were on their way to New Day for fitting of their prostheses when Blu was coming back with Luxon and his father. Luxon has been seen each trip for a new prosthesis since 2012.

One of my favorite photos....Morrice and little Luxon. 

Melvin came back for fitting of his repaired prosthesis. He got a new knee and foot. We spent some time with instruction on walking with the different components (through a translator). Instructions and the overall fitting process takes longer with translating.

Here's Morrice before fitting. He has homemade knee pads wrapped on both legs to pad his knees to crawl around. 

Morrice didn't seem timid at all to walk with the prosthesis. 

He got to remove the knee pads and won't have to crawl to get around now. I really enjoyed my conversation with Morrice (translated). He said he thanked God for the opportunity to walk again. Amen!

Luxon was casted for a new prosthesis since he's outgrown his current one.

Taking measurements of Luxon. His father comes with him every year for a new prosthesis.

Protashow came in the bus with Sandra, Pilford, Rhoda and Hachoompwe for fittings. John had 5 patients for fittings but 4 people didn't come that he was expecting. We thought this was likely due to the fact that Tuesday was a national holiday for the new president's inauguration. Blu would have the radio station announce for the other 4 people to come later in the week for fitting. 

Rhoda came with her mother for fitting of her bent knee prosthesis. She has clubfoot on the right side, so she can use this prosthesis to walk for the first time.

Suzanne fitting Rhoda with her prosthesis.

Standing! Her prosthesis doesn't have a "normal" looking prosthetic foot since we didn't have one that small. Next year, we will make sure we have a foot in her size. Rhoda did wonderful with the prosthesis! She was the first patient Suzanne fit, so she had time to walk with the prosthesis while other patients were being seen. By the time they left, she had learned to walk pretty well with the device.

Chad took a break from solar installation to come check out the clinic. Here John and Chad are looking at this lady's prosthetic eye.

She was very pleased with how the prosthetic eye looked!

John fitting another patient with a prosthetic eye.

And the 'after' picture with her prosthetic eye.

Sandra being fit.

Sandra walking with her new prosthesis.

While patients were waiting to be seen, they were fed lunch.

One of the ladies who cooked lunch for everyone cleaning up. 

Hachoompwe back for fitting.

Hachoompwe has been wearing a prosthesis since 2012, so he's very experienced walking with it. We just had to check the alignment and he was all set.

Pilford has a prosthesis below the knee. He's worn a prosthesis before, so he didn't need instruction on walking.

John's patient inspecting his prosthetic eye using a hand mirror.

After fitting....can't even tell which side is the prosthetic eye. John is so gifted!

Luyando came with her mother in the afternoon for fitting of her new prosthesis. 

She's been using a prosthesis since 2014, so she knows how to walk with it. Each year, she needs a new prosthesis because she has grown.

Another one of my favorite photos. Luyando has been so solemn the past two years we've seen her. But this time she smiled and she gave me a hug! 

After seeing all the patients, we did fabrication till evening.

Suzanne modifying with plaster.

*Next post: Wednesday, Sept.14-Thursday, Sept. 15- Fabrication and visiting Anold's village

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