"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)

2016 trip in 5 months....whoa!

On November 21st, John drove supplies and equipment to Kansas to load on the shipping container that will be sent to New Day Orphanage. It was a lot of supplies and equipment! Big THANK YOU to John for making the long drive. Not only are supplies in all of these boxes, but equipment for our future clinic too! Garage doors for the clinic building, an industrial sewing machine (just like I use at work so I know how to thread it and run that thing...you have no idea how exciting this is as I'm not a seamstress at all), back up generator, and lots more. 

Speaking of the future clinic, construction should start early 2016! We are really excited that our 2017 trip will likely be in the new clinic! 

To explain the confusing-ness that shipping all of these supplies internationally results in---the shipping container that was sent out early 2015 did not arrive to New Day until after our May 2015 trip was over. So, we will have all of those supplies for our trip in 2016. The equipment and supplies in these pictures will probably not be there for our May 2016 trip, which means we'll use them in 2017. The equipment for the clinic will be used when construction starts...like the garage doors...when the container gets there. We have more supplies that we definitely need for our 2016 trip at Chris' house that will be packed in plastic tubs for extra baggage on our flights. Yikes!....it gets confusing sometimes. 

Our next trip will be the first 3 weeks of May 2016. We do not have plane tickets purchased yet but will be getting those soon. It's just 5 months away...and that will be here before we know it! I find myself again and again just in awe that God has given me this opportunity with Prosthetic Promises. I tell people often that I'm just excited to be part of His work. It's really incredible to see what responding to God's call has led to. 

Team Prosthetic Promises would so appreciate your prayers as we get closer to our next trip and continue with preparations. Thank you so much for your interest and support!

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