Well, what is a mission? Merriam-Webster online says:
1 obsolete : the act or an instance of sending
2 a : a ministry commissioned by a religious organization to propagate its faith or carry on humanitarian work
b : assignment to or work in a field of missionary enterprise
c (1) : a mission establishment (2) : a local church or parish dependent on a larger religious organization for direction or financial support
d plural : organized missionary work
e : a course of sermons and services given to convert the unchurched or quicken Christian faith
3 : a body of persons sent to perform a service or carry on an activity: as
a : a group sent to a foreign country to conduct diplomatic or political negotiations
b : a permanent embassy or legation
c : a team of specialists or cultural leaders sent to a foreign country
a : a group sent to a foreign country to conduct diplomatic or political negotiations
b : a permanent embassy or legation
c : a team of specialists or cultural leaders sent to a foreign country
4 a : a specific task with which a person or a group is charged
b (1) : a definite military, naval, or aerospace task <a bombing mission> <a space mission> (2) : a flight operation of an aircraft or spacecraft in the performance of a mission <a mission to Mars>
c : a preestablished and often self-imposed objective or purpose <statement of the company's mission>
b (1) : a definite military, naval, or aerospace task <a bombing mission> <a space mission> (2) : a flight operation of an aircraft or spacecraft in the performance of a mission <a mission to Mars>
c : a preestablished and often self-imposed objective or purpose <statement of the company's mission>
5 : calling, vocation
I try to remind myself that a mission doesn't have to be just a mission trip (#2 and #3 in the definition). That feeling of "I'm doing something that really matters and is helping people" isn't just for mission trips...it can be #4 and #5 in that definition in my everyday life.
I'm not particularly a morning person...just ask my husband. The waking up, getting ready, eating breakfast...bleh, I get through it. But I do look forward to my 30 minute commute to work. I have my travel mug full of coffee and my radio set to SiriusXM-The Message. It's a little praise and worship to get my day started---with a jolt of caffeine (Did I mention I love coffee?) Everything makes sense during these 30 minutes. These songs about, and in praise to, our Father remind me of the direction and purpose of my life. I'm on mission. I'm on a mission to impact those around me and show God's love today. And then I get to work and the world hits---
Though I feel like I'm in a constant mental battle to block the world and be the light, I get bogged down with the world. I know this is not a unique feeling. On the contrary, every Christian is in the same mental battle. It's part of the whole being human thing. I want to take that feeling and memory of being in Zambia making prostheses for people and carry that every step, every minute of my day. I want to take that feeling and happy smile I have when doing my morning commute with The Message through my speakers and carry that every step, every minute of my day.
Why is this so hard?! The struggle continues...
But I know my God is there with me every step, every minute of my day...holding my hand and helping me along the way. I love You and thank You, God, for helping me to walk closer to You and show others Your love.
Now, if I can just keep that thought in my little human brain.
I try to remind myself that a mission doesn't have to be just a mission trip (#2 and #3 in the definition). That feeling of "I'm doing something that really matters and is helping people" isn't just for mission trips...it can be #4 and #5 in that definition in my everyday life.
I'm not particularly a morning person...just ask my husband. The waking up, getting ready, eating breakfast...bleh, I get through it. But I do look forward to my 30 minute commute to work. I have my travel mug full of coffee and my radio set to SiriusXM-The Message. It's a little praise and worship to get my day started---with a jolt of caffeine (Did I mention I love coffee?) Everything makes sense during these 30 minutes. These songs about, and in praise to, our Father remind me of the direction and purpose of my life. I'm on mission. I'm on a mission to impact those around me and show God's love today. And then I get to work and the world hits---
Though I feel like I'm in a constant mental battle to block the world and be the light, I get bogged down with the world. I know this is not a unique feeling. On the contrary, every Christian is in the same mental battle. It's part of the whole being human thing. I want to take that feeling and memory of being in Zambia making prostheses for people and carry that every step, every minute of my day. I want to take that feeling and happy smile I have when doing my morning commute with The Message through my speakers and carry that every step, every minute of my day.
Why is this so hard?! The struggle continues...
But I know my God is there with me every step, every minute of my day...holding my hand and helping me along the way. I love You and thank You, God, for helping me to walk closer to You and show others Your love.
Now, if I can just keep that thought in my little human brain.
I struggle with the same things. I think everyone does. It didn't hit me really hard until I became a Mom. Now I'm terrified the world is imploding and what is my kids future going to be like? Then I go home and love on my girls and remember that I need to trust in God and everything will be alright.