"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)

Saturday, Sept. 15- Sunday, Sept. 16: Fabrication continues...

Saturday and Sunday were fabrication days without any patients. We got a lot accomplished to be ready for Monday when were expecting more patients to come. 

On Saturday, Louise helped me with the sails by burning holes in the material for the screw attachment holes. This is a tedious and time consuming process, so it was so nice to have her do that while I worked on assembling locks in the prosthetic sockets. 

Suzanne working on getting a prosthetic socket model ready for lamination.

Protashow working on smoothing finished prosthetic sockets. 

We had started assembling finished sockets with components on rolling carts. The next step would be to put the socket together with the components for the final product.

Louise back at organizing the storage room more. 

Finished sockets after Protashow smoothed them waiting for me to put in locks.

On Saturday afternoon, we went to check out Kids' Club at New Day. They have Kids' Club each Saturday afternoon, where kids from the surrounding area come for play time, bible stories and singing songs and then a meal. Here everyone is lining up for meal time.

Louise helped out by handing out plates to kids.

Suzanne went to sit with some of the kids while they ate. 

Danu the dog, leading the "pack" back to the Ark for dinner.

Sunday morning was church at the New Day Baptist church, which is just outside the fence of New Day Orphanage's property. There's singing to start, then Sunday School where the kids go outside under the tree for children's Sunday School while the adults stay in the church building, then the kids come back in for the sermon, then special songs by the youth choir and women's choir and group singing to end. 

After church and lunch, we headed back up to the clinic for afternoon work.

On Sunday afternoon, Louise continued her organizing expertise by doing an inventory of the prosthetic feet. This is a tremendous help for us to know what sizes, left or right, we need for our trips next year!

Finished lamination after the resin has hardened. Next step is cutting it out, breaking out the plaster and smoothing the edges.

Suzanne getting another model set up for lamination.

Our "finished" stack was growing!

The final product for a prosthesis: the gray portion at the top is the socket which covers the patient's residual leg, the pylon is the pipe portion in the middle, and then connected to the prosthetic foot. 

An afternoon sunset...so beautiful. 

Sunday wrapped up our first week in Zambia. We went to American Worship at Wes and Laurie's house after dinner where the American staff at New Day gather every other Sunday for a video sermon from an American pastor and singing. 

We were looking forward to another busy week with expected patients on Monday.

*Next post: Monday, Sept. 17: Patients and field trips and fabrication

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