"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)

Preparations already for next year!

We have had opportunities to share stories and what Prosthetic Promises is all about in so many different ways! Also, we've already received donations and supplies in preparation for next year's trip. Praise God! It's so awesome to see the provisions He is making for future trips for Prosthetic Promises. 

Let's see...where to begin...

We've been back to several churches to give updates on this year's trip, including my home church in Clifton. John and Chris have talked to some churches in their area. And we've received donations from these churches and members. We are so thankful for support and prayers from many churches in different areas! 

I've had several donations of prosthetic parts and supplies at my office in Denton, which I was able to drop off in Temple on my way to a conference in San Antonio. Feet, knees, liners, socks, suspension sleeves, adapters, and prescription glasses!! 

The local newspaper in Cooke County, The Lindsay Letter, did an article about Prosthetic Promises' trip to Zambia! I got lots of "Hey, I saw you on the front page of the paper" from several people. :) Also, I had someone email me that had a prosthesis to donate for parts after they read the article. Very cool! 

AND...I was able to give a presentation about Prosthetic Promises at a professional organization conference for prosthetics and orthotics in San Antonio. This was really exciting (though I was nervous) to talk to other prosthetists about our trip to Zambia, patients we saw, and the logistics of the trip. I had several practitioners talk with me afterwards that are interested in possibly joining our team for our next trip! 

It's the little connections here and there that give me glimpses of how God is providing a way for this mission to continue. More parts donations, monetary donations, interest of other practitioners, and interest of many people to support and pray for Prosthetic Promises. We are excited to see things shaping up for our May 2015 trip. Stay tuned for updates along the way.