"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)

Day 12, Sunday April 27: Church, baptisms, and prosthetics

Sunday started with New Day church service at the pavilion. Singing and praise, and then Geoff gave the message about baptisms. After the service, we walked to the river...many of the New Day kids and several people from the surrounding villages were baptized! 

Even the dog, Shadow, came for church :)

Here's Haley, one of the spring volunteers, with the kids before church started.

Blu led some of the songs playing guitar.

 Everyone walking to the river for the baptisms.

Here's a great picture of how women carry their babies on their backs. None of the babies ever seemed upset being tucked in a cloth on their mother's back. 

Some of the older women were sitting on the bank to watch the baptisms.

Here's John taking off his shoes to get in the water. 

Wes is baptizing Sisi in this picture. 

In addition to Wes, Blu and Geoff were baptizing people also. There were so many people they had to do 3 at a time!

And here is a picture of one of my favorite parts of our trip. This is Mweene, one of the New Day kids, and John is his sponsor. It was so special that John got to be the one to baptize Mweene. 

On Sunday afternoon Melvin came back for fitting of his above knee prosthesis. Here's Esther translating instructions for me about how to walk with the prosthesis.

Now, the story of Melvin coming to get his prosthesis isn't as ideal as the others. We had been asking each patient who came how they got there, how far away they lived and how they would return for fitting. We gave them money for transportation if they did not have a ride. Apparently, Melvin and his friend who came with him used the money we had given them for transportation to buy beer instead. They both had been drinking before they came to New Day for Melvin's fitting. It's really hard to teach a man to walk with a prosthesis if he's drunk. I know he was appreciative for the prosthesis, but it was disappointing to me that he had been drinking and couldn't focus on my instructions. I must say though, Esther gave them both a stern lecture....I don't understand Tonga but she seemed very firm in what she was telling them. We told each patient we saw, through whoever was translating, that we were there because Jesus called us to Zambia to help them by making them a prosthesis. I had prayed so much leading up to the trip that God would give me the right words to say to every patient I saw.

Later in the afternoon, we went to Alnold's village to fit him with his new prosthesis. That village wasn't nearly as far off the main road as Luckson's village.

We forgot to take the scissors...of course Chris thought I had them, and I thought she had them. So, she had to use a knife they had at the village to cut the liner.

Here's Chris making a few adjustments to his prosthesis. (And Blu with his really bright shirt.)

Alnold had really gotten good walking with his last prosthesis since the last trip. He just took off with the prosthesis like a pro. We needed to make one more adjustment that required our tools back at New Day, so we asked Alnold's father to bring him on Tuesday afternoon. 

Before we left, Blu gave Alnold a 2 liter bottle of milk from New Day's milk cow, Martha. They had extra milk from milking that morning, so we took it for Alnold's village.

Sunday night was American worship night at the dining hall with all songs in English and a Francis Chan video sermon. So much fun!

Everyone singing. Jenna on the right has such a beautiful voice! She sang a song with Blu accompanying on the guitar during church that morning with verses in both English and Tonga. She is so talented!

Blu leading with guitar for the songs.

Another beautiful day in Zambia! 

*Next post is Day 13: Trip to Zimba eye clinic and Livingstone

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